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Ultimate 2-Week Italy Itinerary: Discover Italy’s Hidden Gems

Couple's Trips, EUROPE, Girls' Trips, Italy, Travel, Travel Planning

  1. Kelly says:

    Thanks so much!! I have yet to go to Italy so this itinerary will really help me when I do. Pompeii looks amazing from the photo. I love exploring ruins and you broke it all down so that it’s easy and helpful. Thanks!

    • Glad I could help! This is definitely an itinerary for first timers in Italy, if you’ve travelled there and need less “big sights” to see, but still want an amazing experience, I have a lot of those places too! With this itinerary I tried to give a little taste of everything (:

  2. Italy is beautiful. I have only been to Rome and did a day tour to Pompeii and Vesuvius. Life changing for sure. I did have a chuckle about the drip dry part hahahaha
    Thanks for a detailed trip and keeping it busy busy busy which is my favourite type of travel style.

  3. Very nice itinereray! I ve been to Rome and Florence just for 3 days, but i ve managed to see many things like these you proposed here. If I had one day more, I think I would choose to go to Pompei!

  4. Jackie Eggen says:

    Great itinerary! How are you traveling to each region? Is it always by train? Do you have recommendations for each leg?

    • Hi Jackie!! So trains in Italy are super easy and affordable, and the most comfortable way to go! If you are on a budget, the busses can be a bit more affordable, though less reliable and less comfortable! If you are confident about driving in Italy, I’ve also rented cars to get to a few of the more rural places, but all in all, I would say the train is the way to go!

      • Jackie says:

        We had this exact itinerary fully booked for September and have had to cancel due to COVID. Can’t wait until we can rebook! We have decided to add on 5 extra days and make it a bit more relaxing. Here’s hoping we can travel soon! Thanks for everything.

  5. Marcela de de la Guardia says:

    I read your article when we were planning our Italy trip. It helpes a lot!!!
    We flew into Milan at night, visited the city the next day and drove to Stresa ln Lake Maggiore, right in front of the famous Borromeas islands. Then drove to Verona, Venice, Bolonia, Florence, Assisi, Siena, San Gimigiano and Rome. What a trip! 17 days alltogether.
    The best is to DRIVE everywhere. You own your timing and you can make some stops at the last minute. Alao, it is MUCH easier to manage the traveling with bags.
    Thanks for your blog and tipa!
    Marcela – Republic of Panama

    • So glad you found my blog helpful! Yes I agree, driving makes things loads easier! I only recently started renting a car when I travel and I love it. I also love taking trains & busses for the convenience of getting work done on the road and being able to catch a little sleep I may have missed out on in the bars ☺️ glad you enjoyed italy! It’s one of my favorite places in the world.

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